Thursday, September 27, 2012

You Could be the Next Miss Canyon County or Miss Canyon County's Outstanding Teen!

Hey Girls!

You have ideas and plans and goals - so much to offer the world - but how?

Are you thinking to yourself  "I could never be in a pageant!" Well stop! You CAN do it!

Each year young women just like you choose to compete in the Miss America system. That's right! Many of them are just like you - yet they know that the Miss America Organization is the single largest provider of scholarships for young women in the world.

The Miss America Organization is not about who looks the best in a skimpy little bikini, I PROMISE! The Miss America Organization is about providing scholarship assistance to young women so they can better themselves, their educations and their futures. It is about EMPOWERING women!Whether you want to become a doctor or a dancer, an accountant or an architect, the Miss America Organization has an opportunity that will help bring you closer to achieving your goals. 

  Through this organization you can learn so much about yourself! You can help promote an issue of importance to you throughout your community! You can gain self confidence! You can make lifelong friends! You can learn interview skills that can help you with your future!

The women that participate in the Miss America Organization are not just "Beauty Queens". They are successful women with goals!  More than twelve thousand young women participate each year in the local and state events, culminating in the selection of 52 national finalists who vie for the Miss America title in Las Vegas. 

Tens of thousands of volunteers organize the local and state preliminary competitions, promoting community involvement throughout the United States and furthering scholarship and achievement among young women in their communities. 

Don't sell yourself short by thinking you don't have what it takes to participate in a pageant  - all you need is commitment, perseverance, talent and ambition. 

I hope I have given you lots to think about!

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