Friday, September 28, 2012

We Need Contestants!

Hey Girls!
Thanks for checking out our blog!

This pageant is fairly new... Last year was the first Miss Canyon County/Miss Caldwell Pageant. Starting a pageant is tough work! Because the pageant is new and not well known, we have to work harder to recruit contestants.

I have been blogging, facebooking and emailing like crazy. You may also have noticed some flyers posted around town.... I've been out talking to the public and trying to get the word out... WE NEED CONTESTANTS!

We will be giving out a "Miss Canyon County" title. We need at least 4 contestants in order to do that. If we get 8 contestants we can also give out a "Miss Caldwell" Title. If we have 12 contestants we can give out a "Miss Middleton" title. That means if we have 12 contestants we can give out 3 titles and send three of our local girls to the Miss Idaho Pageant!
We also have a the Outstanding Teen pageant where we get to send a teen to the Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen pageant.

If I have contacted you to tell you that you would make a great contestant, it's because I truly think that you would.  This pageant system is all about your personality and I think that the girls here in Canyon County are amazing! There has never been a Miss America from Idaho and I want that to change! Let me describe to you what it takes to be a titleholder, so you can see that it is not as daunting as you may think!

 First, you need to decide to participate.

 Next you need to decide on a platform-an issue of importance to you that you will be able to promote through out the community. When I was in school I helped in the special education classes as a peer tutor. This gave me a love for the kids I worked with and their situations and abilities so I chose to focus my platform on the special needs of our community. I took something that was dear to my heart and shared it with the community. It was something I knew a lot about and could share with others.

Next, you need to prepare a talent. Don't tell me "But I'm not talented!" Everyone has talents! Being a well rounded person means developing and cultivating your talents. This program gives you the opportunity to work on that!

The Interview is what scares most people, but its not an interrogation. The judges just want to ask you questions to get a feel for you who are. They want to see your personality and the interview is where they get to see it! We will be helping you work on your interviewing skills. This comes in handy when you go to job interviews in other aspects of your life. You will learn to think on your feet and be comfortable conversing with people in an interview type setting.

The onstage question is almost a continuation of the Interview. You will answer a random question on stage and be judged on how well you answer... not if you answer correctly, but that you have an opinion and how well you answer it.

Swim Suit........ Ok, Swim Suit is not as scary as it sounds. I promise you. It lasts 20 seconds. You get to pick a swimming suit that will flatter your body. The audience is not staring at your body, although it may feel that way. The audience is noticing your energy and smile. The judges are not critiquing your thighs. The swim suit competition is all about your energy and personality! Have fun with it!

So, you win the competition! Now what? Well, first off, you get money for school!!!! YAY! You get a crown that is the envy of little girls every where! You get to go to local events as a guest. Sometimes you will get asked to speak about your platform. Sometimes you will get asked to perform your talent depending on what it is. Mostly, you get admiration from people for your accomplishments! GOOD JOB!

If you don't win what happens?  Well, of course you'll be disapointed... I personally have lost a pageant. Did it feel good? No of course not! Did I survive? Yes. I actually made some great friends and they have been my friends for many many years! I had to get out of my shell a little bit to compete in pageants and now have more confidence than I did before the pageants. I learned what to do and what not to do in interviews and have gotten almost every job I ever interviewed for!  I have only good things to say about pageants even though I was never a titleholder!

How well you do in the pageant depends on how well you prepare, not if you are the prettiest girl on stage. My Goal as director is to help you be as prepared as possible.  I do not have anything to gain from being the director of this pageant. I am a volunteer as is everyone else on the board. All of the scholarships and prizes that we give to the contestants and winners are DONATIONS. The Miss America Organization is a Non-Profit. The only goal is to help you suceed in life! I don't just want to help you be a great contestant, I want to help you be a great person!

I hope you will consider becoming a contestant!  I hope you will convince your friends to compete with you as well. They more the merrier! This will not be a decision you will regret!

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