This page is information that you may want/need to know about our pageant!


Swimsuit: 15%
Talent: 35%
Interview: 25%
Onstage Question: 5%
Evening: 20%

Contestant Resume- The contestant Resume is your opportunity to demonstrate to the judges why they should consider you for the job of Miss Canyon County.  You may list as many or as few items under each category as you desire.  Your only restriction is that it must follow the established format and it must fit on one page.  This page, combined with the Platform Statement, will comprise your entire application for this job.

The judges will receive exactly what is submitted provided items are received on time.  Any items that are submitted after the deadline may not be given to the judges. The contestant may explain the lack of judging materials and/or items not matching the criteria during her interview, if she so chooses. Intructions for typing up your resume can be found on our website on the “Resources” page.

A pageant platform is a cause that a contestant chooses to volunteer her time to either bring awareness to, raise money, or implement a program she has created that will help address the problem. There are so many needs in the world today that finding a cause you feel passionate about in your community is just a matter of looking around or talking with a few business leaders. In our society, the media and public are drawn to people who hold titles or have celebrity status. As a titleholder, you can use this to your advantage to get your message out in a bigger way if you're prepared. We will be having a workshop on choosing a platform so don’t worry if you don’t have one in mind right now!

Platform Issue Statement- The Platform Issue statement is your opportunity to explain to the judges what your chosen platform is and why it is important for the Miss Canyon County Organization to embrace this platform.  In addition, it should explain how your platform will further the Miss Canyon County Organization “brand” to the public.  This ONE (1) page, single-spaced document combined with the Contestant’s Resume, will comprise your entire application for this job. Samples of and instructions for typing the Platform Issue Statement can be found on our website on the “Resources” page.

The Miss Canyon County and Outstanding Teen Pageant will be held December 13th in conjunction with the Middleton Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade and festivities. We will post the venue as soon as we have more information.

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