Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen Pageant!

On Saturday October 5th our Teen Titleholders, Ellie and Emily Bodily, competed in the State Teen pageant!  They did great!

Their introductions were so cute! Ellie sounded awesome during her talent which was a singing and accompanying herself on the piano. She did her trademark "toddler's and tiara's face" at the end of her fitness routine which was cute and definitely Ellie! (Good job on the push up btw!) evening gown was Beautiful! Her red dress was stunning! Good Job Ellie!

Emily was so cute during fitness! She also managed the push up! (I know I wouldn't have been able to!) Her Talent was cute and well done! She did an awesome dance that took up the stage really well and was fun to watch! Her blue evening gown looked amazing on her! one of my favorites!  Great Job! Way to represent Canyon County!

Congrats to all the participants! You did great!

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