Monday, October 21, 2013

Contestant Meeting for Miss Canyon Co 2014

Hello! We are sooooo excited that the 2014 Miss Canyon County is fast approaching! Our contestant meeting will be on Saturday November 9 at 11 am at Cafe de Coco in Nampa. This will be our only meeting before pageant day! Please make sure you are there if you are interested in competing! The details are under our "Become a Contestant" link on the right of the page. Please check it out!

Please note that if you are not in attendance at this meeting, you will not be allowed to compete, no exceptions!

We will be doing our contestant photo shoot that day as well and in keeping with our pageant theme, "Christmas Wonderland", we are asking that you wear some Christmas winter wear for the photos :)

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Holiday Craft Bazaar!

Come visit the Miss Canyon County booth at the Holiday Craft Bazaar on OCT 19th, from 9 am to 3pm at the Middleton Middle school!

Donate to the Children's Miracle Network, purchase some yummy goodies or just visit with our titleholders!

It is a great time with lots of shopping and yummy food!


Miss Canyon County 2014 Pageant!

The 2014 pageant is fast approaching. It will be held on Friday December 6th 2013. The pageant is being held in conjunction with the Middleton Christmas parade and festivities put on by the Middleton Chamber of Commerce. The winners of our pageant will be on our float in the Christmas Parade the following weekend, Saturday December 14 in Middleton.

We will be awarding a Miss Canyon County and Miss Canyon County Outstanding Teen title. If we have enough contestants we can also award a Miss Middleton and Middleton Outstanding Teen Title. We would also love to award Caldwell titles as well, we just need the participation! Tell your friends!

Please check out our "Become a Contestant" page for more information.

Saturday November 9th will be our ONLY meeting prior to pageant day. Attendance at this meeting is a REQUIREMENT in order to participate in our pageant.

Keep checking back for more information!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen Pageant!

On Saturday October 5th our Teen Titleholders, Ellie and Emily Bodily, competed in the State Teen pageant!  They did great!

Their introductions were so cute! Ellie sounded awesome during her talent which was a singing and accompanying herself on the piano. She did her trademark "toddler's and tiara's face" at the end of her fitness routine which was cute and definitely Ellie! (Good job on the push up btw!) evening gown was Beautiful! Her red dress was stunning! Good Job Ellie!

Emily was so cute during fitness! She also managed the push up! (I know I wouldn't have been able to!) Her Talent was cute and well done! She did an awesome dance that took up the stage really well and was fun to watch! Her blue evening gown looked amazing on her! one of my favorites!  Great Job! Way to represent Canyon County!

Congrats to all the participants! You did great!