Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Miss Canyon County 2014

Miss Canyon County 2014 will be held Friday December 6th at 6pm at Purple Sage Elementary School -25709 El Paso Rd, Caldwell Idaho 83607 See you there!
Here are a few of Our Contestants!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Contestant Meeting for Miss Canyon Co 2014

Hello! We are sooooo excited that the 2014 Miss Canyon County is fast approaching! Our contestant meeting will be on Saturday November 9 at 11 am at Cafe de Coco in Nampa. This will be our only meeting before pageant day! Please make sure you are there if you are interested in competing! The details are under our "Become a Contestant" link on the right of the page. Please check it out!

Please note that if you are not in attendance at this meeting, you will not be allowed to compete, no exceptions!

We will be doing our contestant photo shoot that day as well and in keeping with our pageant theme, "Christmas Wonderland", we are asking that you wear some Christmas winter wear for the photos :)

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Holiday Craft Bazaar!

Come visit the Miss Canyon County booth at the Holiday Craft Bazaar on OCT 19th, from 9 am to 3pm at the Middleton Middle school!

Donate to the Children's Miracle Network, purchase some yummy goodies or just visit with our titleholders!

It is a great time with lots of shopping and yummy food!


Miss Canyon County 2014 Pageant!

The 2014 pageant is fast approaching. It will be held on Friday December 6th 2013. The pageant is being held in conjunction with the Middleton Christmas parade and festivities put on by the Middleton Chamber of Commerce. The winners of our pageant will be on our float in the Christmas Parade the following weekend, Saturday December 14 in Middleton.

We will be awarding a Miss Canyon County and Miss Canyon County Outstanding Teen title. If we have enough contestants we can also award a Miss Middleton and Middleton Outstanding Teen Title. We would also love to award Caldwell titles as well, we just need the participation! Tell your friends!

Please check out our "Become a Contestant" page for more information.

Saturday November 9th will be our ONLY meeting prior to pageant day. Attendance at this meeting is a REQUIREMENT in order to participate in our pageant.

Keep checking back for more information!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen Pageant!

On Saturday October 5th our Teen Titleholders, Ellie and Emily Bodily, competed in the State Teen pageant!  They did great!

Their introductions were so cute! Ellie sounded awesome during her talent which was a singing and accompanying herself on the piano. She did her trademark "toddler's and tiara's face" at the end of her fitness routine which was cute and definitely Ellie! (Good job on the push up btw!) evening gown was Beautiful! Her red dress was stunning! Good Job Ellie!

Emily was so cute during fitness! She also managed the push up! (I know I wouldn't have been able to!) Her Talent was cute and well done! She did an awesome dance that took up the stage really well and was fun to watch! Her blue evening gown looked amazing on her! one of my favorites!  Great Job! Way to represent Canyon County!

Congrats to all the participants! You did great!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Miss Idaho 2013!

Kacie did AMAZING at Miss Idaho this year!
She looked so sweet in her little blue lace dress during the opening number "Back to the Boardwalk"! She was so fun to watch!
She is so fit and looks great in a swimsuit and was sooo confident!
OMG! Her feet can fly! She was so awesome to watch as she clogged to a spanish style song by Ricky Martin!
She was elegant and bright in her blazing orange evening gown! It fit her so well and she looked BEAUTIFUL!

And Congrats to our former Miss Caldwell, 2011 Sarah Downs, Our new Miss Idaho 2013!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Good Luck Kacie!

The Miss Idaho Pageant is coming up on July 12 and 13th and we want to wish our titleholder, Miss Canyon County, Kacie Bitzenburg, GOOD LUCK at State! We know she will do great! We love you Kacie!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What's coming up?

Check out our calender page as well! We'll see you at the car wash!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Wonderful World of Miss Canyon County

Sorry I haven't kept this updated! I will do better from now on!

On Saturday March 2nd, We crowned our new 2013 titleholders!
Miss Canyon County is Kacie Bitzenburg!
First runner up was HannahSarah Davis!

Miss Middleton's Outstanding Teen is Emily Gibb
Miss Canyon County's Outstanding Teen is Emily Bodily
Their First Runner up was Lily Hostetler

Ellie Bodily was later crowned as Miss Ada County's Outstanding Teen and has done all of her appearances with the Emily's! :)

Congrats to all of our winners! And ALL of the Contestants! They did such a GREAT JOB!!!!

Sarah Downs crowning Kacie as Miss Canyon County 2013

All of the Contestants of the 2013 Miss Canyon County and Oustanding Teen Pageant 

The Miss Contestants waiting to hear the announcement of the winner

So, what else has been going on in the wonderful world of Miss Canyon County? I'll Tell you!

Our Teens made their first official appearance! They were big helpers at the Middleton Chili Cook off in March! They had lots of fun and showed off their Zumba skills as well. It was pretty windy but they stayed warm and did a good job!
Ellie-Miss Ada County Teen, Emily-Miss Middleton Teen and Emily-Miss Canyon County Teen

On March 21 we had a CMN Fundraiser at IHOP in Nampa. Our Titleholders hung out at IHOP and talked to guests and invited their friends to come eat so they could raise money for the Children's Miracle Network. The best part of the night was dressing up as a pancake! All of our teens had a chance to dress up in the costume and entertain the guests as well as the traffic outside!
Emily-Canyon Co Teen and her sister Ellie-Ada Co Teen, Dressed up as Charlie the Choco Chip Pancake at IHOP

Ellie's First Appearance as Miss Ada Co's Outstanding Teen was at an event at her School where she promoted her platform: The Partners club! 

Ellie with some members of the Partners Club!
The Next event was Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen in Idaho Falls!
Kacie attended the Orientation for the Miss Contestants and met all of her fellow titleholders that will be competing in the state pageant in July!

2013 Miss Idaho Contestants

Emily Gibb, our Miss Middleton Teen was our only teen to compete in the state pageant this last weekend. She did GREAT! We are soooo proud of her!
Emily with some fellow contestants and Miss Idaho 2012 Whitney Wood!
Great Job Emily!

Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen 2013 is Abby Bitzenburg, Kacie's little sister! Kacie is sooo proud of her!

 A couple of things: If you wanted a dvd of our pageant, we are still working on them! We will let you know when they are ready! We have had technical difficulties! Sorry!

Also, a couple of jackets were left behind at the pageant. I am assuming they belong to a mother of a contestant. If you are missing one, let me know!

Thanks so much!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The pageant is almost here! Saturday March 2nd is less than a week away! I am so excited! In addition to the wonderful contestants there will be a performance by our former titleholder and the current Miss Nampa, Sarah Downs. We will also have some special guest performances by the Meridian Stars dance team and Middleton's newest dance team, The Astrids. Please come support these great performers!

We will also have some guest vendors, Scentsy, Mary Kay and Pampered Chef. They will all be donating items to our raffle!

Paparazzi Jewelry will also be there and for every sale they make they will donate $1.00 to our scholarship program!

Please invite everyone you know!

Tickets are $5.00 at the door, Program booklets $1.00 each, Raffle Tickets 1 for $2.00 and 3 for $5.00

Thanks so much! and See you on pageant day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hello Everyone!

The pageant is almost here! There are a few things we need from our contestants!

The deadline to become a contestant is THIS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16TH! If you would like to compete in the Miss Canyon County pageant, please email kellygirlrhoades@gmail.com ASAP!

Please get your paperwork to me as soon as possible, but the following dates are the absolute last days to turn things in!

-Photo Shoot at 2 pm in Downtown Caldwell.
-Commitment (Miss $45) and Entry (Teens $55) FEES DUE

-Platform Statement, Contestant Resume, Talent Description DUE
-All Ad Sales (Ads emailed to Misscanyoncounty@gmail.com) Checks made out to Miss Canyon County DUE

-Contracts need to be turned in
-CMN money must be raised before 10 am!

I hope this helps!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sponsor Spotlight! Kellie Ransley Photography

 Kellie Ransley Photography has GENEROUSLY  offered to take the photos of our contestants. Once you turn in your paperwork, you will be notified of the date of our photo shoot. These pictures will be used in our judges packets, our advertising posters as well as our program booklets. This photo shoot is FREE! If you would like to purchase the photos, we will have a price list available after the photo shoot. 

Take a look at some of her work and visit her on Facebook for more information!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Miss Canyon County Pageant Dates!

Hey Everyone!
Paperwork for the Miss Canyon County and Miss Canyon County's Outstanding Teen pageant is Due on


Please look at our "Resources" page on the right -------------->
 for information on what paperwork we need!  :) If you have any questions or need help with paperwork,  or need an extension on the due date, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Pageant Day is Saturday March 2nd!
