Sunday, February 24, 2013

The pageant is almost here! Saturday March 2nd is less than a week away! I am so excited! In addition to the wonderful contestants there will be a performance by our former titleholder and the current Miss Nampa, Sarah Downs. We will also have some special guest performances by the Meridian Stars dance team and Middleton's newest dance team, The Astrids. Please come support these great performers!

We will also have some guest vendors, Scentsy, Mary Kay and Pampered Chef. They will all be donating items to our raffle!

Paparazzi Jewelry will also be there and for every sale they make they will donate $1.00 to our scholarship program!

Please invite everyone you know!

Tickets are $5.00 at the door, Program booklets $1.00 each, Raffle Tickets 1 for $2.00 and 3 for $5.00

Thanks so much! and See you on pageant day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hello Everyone!

The pageant is almost here! There are a few things we need from our contestants!

The deadline to become a contestant is THIS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16TH! If you would like to compete in the Miss Canyon County pageant, please email ASAP!

Please get your paperwork to me as soon as possible, but the following dates are the absolute last days to turn things in!

-Photo Shoot at 2 pm in Downtown Caldwell.
-Commitment (Miss $45) and Entry (Teens $55) FEES DUE

-Platform Statement, Contestant Resume, Talent Description DUE
-All Ad Sales (Ads emailed to Checks made out to Miss Canyon County DUE

-Contracts need to be turned in
-CMN money must be raised before 10 am!

I hope this helps!