Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Dates for Miss Canyon County Pageant

The Miss Canyon County and Miss Canyon County's Outstanding Teen Pageant has been Rescheduled. The  new date for the pageant is SATURDAY MARCH 2nd!  We will provide more information when we get closer to the pageant. the most important thing you need to know right now is that PAPERWORK IS DUE ON FEBRUARY 9TH. No paperwork will be accepted after this date. If we do not have enough contestants on that date, then the pageant will be cancelled. Please don't allow this opportunity to pass you by! We are working hard to get some great scholarships for the winners!  Remember, this is an open pageant and any girl ages 13-24 who lives, works or goes to school in Idaho is eligible to participate! Please check out the "resources" link to the right of the page for all the requirements! Thanks!